6 month routine

A typical Jeremy Day

6:00 - 7:00 Wake up (2 hours up time)

  • Breastmilk

  • Breakfast (oats, milk & stewed fruit)

  • Playtime at home while I do chores

Settle to sleep (with breastmilk)

Sleep from 40 min - 2 hours (usually 2hr)

9:00 - 11:00 Wake up (2 hours up time)

  • Morning tea (fresh fruit & yoghurt)

  • Playtime at home while I do chores


  • Quick pramride to do chores

Settle to sleep (with breastmilk)

Sleep from 40 min - 2 hours (usually 40m)

12:00 - 2:00 Wake up (2 hours up time)

  • Lunch (fresh fruit & tofu)

  • Daytime outing


  • Playtime at home while I do chores

Settle to sleep (with breastmilk)

Sleep from 40 min - 2 hours (usually 40min)

3:00 - 5:00 Wake up (2 hours up time)

  • Dinner (veggies, milk & rice cereal)

  • Quiet playtime till Dad gets home

5:30 - 7:30 Bedtime routine