Cruise - Day 30 - Suva, Fiji

October 12th, 2009 by Ben

I’d been looking forward to Fiji the whole trip, so when we turned up in Suva and the weather was crappy I was a little disappointed. We didn’t have any plans, other than to re-stock our nappy supply and wander around town. As soon as we got out of the secure area around the ship we were inundated by taxi drivers, tour guides, people selling trinkets, people warning us about the dodgy people selling trinkets and telling us to lock our bags. It was pretty frigging annoying. Plus it was a public holiday, so almost everything was closed and there weren’t a whole lot of people around.

Once we broke loose of that mess and made it to the local shopping centre (they had a Gloria Jeans… it was just weird) things were a little better, but none of us were exactly relaxed any more and the weather was getting worse. So we did our shopping, went back through the same mob of people and got back on the ship within an hour of first leaving. Whee.

Jeremy was insistent on going on a bus tour, so when Will went down for his morning nap Ange took him on one of the courtesy buses to “the city”. Which, it turned out, was some dodgy shop next to the shopping centre we had walked to that morning. Not all was lost though - in said dodgy store Ange bought Jeremy a drum, partly because he wanted it and partly to piss off all the old people on the boat who’d started to get under her skin. The other consolation (for me) is that I managed to get one of my favourite photos from the whole trip.

Despite it being a very average experience it’s hard to blame the place - we turned up with 2000 clueless rich old folk, on a public holiday, in crappy weather. It’s not like we got to see the best it had to offer. Still, it didn’t exactly make it to the top of our “places to revisit” list.

Photos for the day

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15 Responses to “Cruise - Day 30 - Suva, Fiji”

  1. Daniel Says:


  2. Greg Says:

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