Cruise - Day 2 and 3 - at sea

September 15th, 2009 by Ben

Each day seems to be getting easier as we get more into the flow of cruise life. Jeremy and Will are sleeping very well and getting used to having lots of friendly people talk to and look after them. A quick rearrangement of the room from bunks to a queen bed has made our room much easier to live in.

Jeremy and Will both love going to play at the ship’s creche, though we only leave Jeremy there without us during Will’s morning sleep. Ange and I have both started going to the gym, which is adequate enough. Now if they’d stop offering us pasties and ice cream every 5 minutes…

The sea’s been quite rough the last couple of days, and the ship has been moving around quite a bit. The swimming pools are closed because you’d literally be thrown out of the pool by the motion of the water. Thankfully none of us seem at all bothered by it - in fact we all seem to sleep even better in the rougher conditions.

Photos for the days

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17 Responses to “Cruise - Day 2 and 3 - at sea”

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