Monthly catch-up

April 17th, 2008 by admin

Once again it’s been a busy month, with Ange’s birthday, Easter and a visit from Nonna.

For her birthday, Ange was lucky enough to get 2 annual passes to the National Zoo and Aquarium, and we’ve spent a lotof time there since. Jeremy loves seeing the MONKEEEYS and the TIGEY, and spends a lot of time running up and down the stairs and rampsin the aquarium.

Ange put heaps of effort into Easter, and made some very nice cupcakes andsome very cute chocolate bird’s nests for the kids. Jeremy got a cooking set,which he uses almost every day. He also got a school bus of Nonna, which wasalso an instant favourite.

Another update very soon….

Here are the photos:

20 Responses to “Monthly catch-up”

  1. jeffery Says:

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    thank you….

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    tnx for info….

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    thank you….

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    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…

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    tnx for info!…

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