Last week in QLD

December 31st, 2007 by admin

To kick off our second week in Brisbane, Nonna took us in toSouthbank for a coffee and some exploring. Jeremy spent heaps of timerunning around along the edge of the river, looking at boats and gardens, andgenerally running away from us

On Friday we caught the train down to the Gold Coast to spend a coupleof days with Suze and her family. We were made to feel very welcome, andwere spoilt with lots of home cooking, guided tours and great conversation. Jeremy settled in very quickly, although his 6am starts at full volumewere a bit of a challenge :)

On our last day we went to the Currumban animal sanctuary. We rode the train,patted kangaroos, and Jeremy ate his dinner while watching the lorikeetseat theirs.

On our way back to Nonna’s house from the coast, we stopped in at Oma’s fora relaxing afternoon. After Jeremy had his sleep, and we ate ourselves silly, weall headed into the city to have a wander around before jumping on the train.

Here are a few photosfrom the week.

15 Responses to “Last week in QLD”

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    tnx for info!!…

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    tnx for info!…

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    good info!!…

  11. Christian Says:

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  15. 2threads Says:


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